Facebook messenger login approval code
Facebook messenger login approval code

facebook messenger login approval code

Once you’ve entered the code, you should see a message on your screen notifying you that “you’re all set,” and you can proceed to sign in.


  • Enter the code in the field provided and click on “Continue.”.
  • If you don’t receive the code, simply hit the “Re-send Code” button at the bottom of your screen.
  • Click on “Continue.” After this, an 8-digit code will be sent to your email or phone within five minutes.
  • The email address or phone number linked to your account is default selected.
  • At this point, you’ll be prompted to choose the email address or phone number that will receive the code.
  • facebook messenger login approval code

    To confirm your identity using your email address, select “Get a code sent to your email.” If you prefer using your phone number instead, select “Get a code sent to your phone.”.This should take you to a new page requesting you to choose how you want to confirm your identity.The easiest way to fix the “login approval needed” problem is to request Facebook to send you a code via the phone number or email address used while signing up. Method 1: Get a Code Sent to Your Email or Phone The good news is that the “login approval needed” problem can be easily fixed. It could be a call to your loved ones, negotiations with a client, or even a post you’d prepared to share with your followers. While this is intended to keep your account safe and secure, it can be quite frustrating, especially when you’ve got some urgent business on Facebook. We need to confirm it was you before you can get back on Facebook.” “We noticed a login from a browser, device, or location you don’t normally use. Here’s how the exact prompt message reads:

    Facebook messenger login approval code